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Crossfit 101

What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a high-intensity fitness program that combines elements of various sports and exercise modalities. It is designed to improve overall fitness and performance through constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity. CrossFit workouts, often referred to as WODs (Workouts of the Day), include a mix of weightlifting, cardio, gymnastics, and other functional movements.

​​Is CrossFit for me?

Determining if CrossFit is the right fit for you depends on your fitness goals, preferences, and any specific considerations or limitations you may have. In short, CrossFit is and can be for everyone. So yes, it is for you (give us a chance and we’ll convince you 100%) if you want to commit to fitness and enjoy workout out. That being said as we always say, it takes all sorts to make a world and if CrossFit is not your thing and you prefer other fitness regimens, good for you. As long as you’re staying active and being a bit healthy, we’re happy. BUT (there always is a but) you can only say that once you’ve tried CrossFit, not out of the blue without even trying ???? On the plus side, in our busy working lives, CrossFit can slot into fully booked schedules quite efficiently. The pick-me up positive community vibe and camaraderie are perfect to take your mind off a stressful day, the atmosphere and group motivation will work wonders in a 1h max session in your day. On top of being adaptable to any level and depending on your form of the day you’ll have a time efficient and intense full workout to get you fit, incorporating functional movements that mimic real-life activities under the expert guidance of a coach. Live long, healthy, happy and prosper, chose Crossfit. If you’re still unsure, we offer a trial session so you can get a firsthand experience and help you decide!

Do I need to be fit to start CrossFit?

No, CrossFit is for anyone looking to improve their fitness and overall well-being. While some individuals pursue CrossFit competitively, the majority participate for health, longevity, fitness, and the sense of community. Workouts can be tailored to individual goals, whether that's weight loss, increased strength, enhanced athletic performance or even just getting over a bad/stressful day at work and needing to unwind and empty your mind. We’re in it for the long game and mental health, all you need is motivation.

What is CrossFit good for?

CrossFit's uniqueness lies in its focus on functional movements, variety, and intensity. But also most importantly on technique, quality of movement and form which can certainly be lacking or less important in traditional gym environments. Workouts are designed to enhance overall physical fitness, including cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility, and coordination. The community aspect, where participants support and motivate each other, also sets CrossFit apart.

What is a typical CrossFit workout?

A typical CrossFit class includes a warm-up, skill or strength training segment, the Workout of the Day (WOD), and a cool-down. Classes are always conducted in a group setting, fostering a sense of community and encouragement among participants. The WOD changes daily, keeping the workouts challenging, engaging and fun. Yes, we said it, we own it and live up to it 😉

What kind of exercises are done in CrossFit?

CrossFit incorporates a wide variety of exercises that span different fitness domains, including cardiovascular endurance, strength, power, flexibility, agility, and more. Workouts are often designed to be constantly varied, keeping participants engaged and challenging their bodies in different ways. If we had to sum it up in a short sentence, everything in CrossFit comes from the leg drive and hip extension. If you can use the power from your posterior chain, there is no limit to what you can achieve. It all starts with a violent hip thrust. But more broadly, the most common elements of CrossFit are: Weightlifting: Olympic Weightlifting such as snatches and clean and jerks are frequently included. Powerlifting: squats, deadlifts, and presses are staples in CrossFit. Cardiovascular Exercises: running, rowing, biking, and jump roping. Gymnastics Movements: bodyweight exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, dips, handstands, and muscle-ups enhance strength, flexibility, and coordination. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): participants perform short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest or lower-intensity activity. This approach can boost both cardiovascular fitness and metabolic rate. Functional Movements: CrossFit focuses on functional movements that mimic real-life activities. (Squats, wall balls, kettlebell swings, farmer's carries,…) Plyometrics: jumping exercises, such as box jumps and burpees, are incorporated to enhance power and explosive strength. Agility and Coordination Drills to improve agility, balance, and coordination. Core Work: planks, sit-ups, and toes-to-bar are commonly integrated to target the abdominal muscles. Mobility and Flexibility Exercises: drills and stretching to improve flexibility and prevent injuries. Skill-Based Movements: double-unders (jump rope), handstand walks, and pistol squats. These movements challenge coordination and skill development. It's important to note that CrossFit workouts are scalable, meaning they can be modified to suit individuals of different fitness levels and abilities. Coaches in CrossFit classes provide guidance on proper form, technique, and scaling options to ensure participants can safely and effectively perform the exercises.

At what age can you do CrossFit?

CrossFit is for everyone. Regardless of age, fitness level, or previous experience, CrossFit can be adapted to suit individual needs. Coaches work closely with participants to ensure proper form and scaling, making it inclusive and effective for a diverse range of individuals.

Is CrossFit good for women?

Yes, CrossFit is a highly inclusive and effective fitness program for women. In fact, CrossFit has gained popularity among women for its emphasis on functional movements, high-intensity workouts, and the sense of community it fosters. Half of the worldwide community at least (and certainly in our box) are women. Women can benefit from CrossFit through the variety of movements and engaging workouts preventing boredom. Strength training is crucial for overall health to build muscle, increase metabolism and improve bone density while enhancing fitness for daily activities. In addition to the well-being contribution, the skill development can also be empowering and rewarding. On top of being entirely scalable (adaptable) CrossFit is ultimately a celebration of strength and feminine beauty in performance achievements, helping to shift cultural perspectives on women’s fitness and strength focusing on what the body can do rather than conforming to traditional beauty standards… Although the “esthetic” physical boost that comes with it is quite a nice add-on. Don’t take our word for it ask our members, both male and female 😉

Is CrossFit good for beginners?

Yes, CrossFit is scalable and can be adapted to any fitness level. CrossFit coaches are trained to modify workouts to suit individual abilities, making it accessible for beginners. Proper technique, range of motion and quality of movement is emphasized, and participants gradually increase intensity as they gain experience and strength.

Does CrossFit work for weight loss?

Most definitely. CrossFit workouts are designed to be high-intensity and incorporate a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and functional movements. The benefits are indisputable: significant caloric burn, increased metabolic rate boosting calorie expenditure, muscle building and more muscle mass means the body burns more calories at rest, avoiding plateaus and routine by continually varying and challenging progress, post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) or afterburn effect can make you burn calories after the intense workout, the methodology as a whole and the constant improvement, and even the community support can provide motivation and help in staying consistent… all these things leading ultimately to weight loss. Of course, weight loss can and will be influenced by factors beyond exercise, dietary habits, sleep, stress management and overall lifestyle. There is a genetic component and individual component, we are all unique and different but if there is one element we can control and agree on, it is how we approach our fitness and both mental and physical health and try to do our best. That’s all anyone can wish for.

Does CrossFit work for building muscle?

Yes, CrossFit is highly effective for building muscle. CrossFit incorporates a variety of functional movements, including weightlifting and bodyweight exercises, which engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. The scientifically built and proven training method focuses particularly on: Compound Movements (targeting multiple muscle groups) such as squats, deadlifts, cleans, and snatches. High-Intensity Workouts: (incorporating elements of cardiovascular exercise with strength training) The combination of intensity and varied movements stimulates muscle growth and increases metabolic rate. Constant Variation: CrossFit emphasizes constantly varied workouts, preventing the body from adapting to a specific routine and challenging the body in different ways. Functional Fitness: CrossFit focuses on functional movements that mimic real-life activities. These movements often engage stabilizing muscles and promote a well-rounded, functional strength that goes beyond isolated muscle development. Emphasis on Power and Speed: CrossFit includes elements of power and speed, which can contribute to muscle hypertrophy. Exercises like box jumps, kettlebell swings, and medicine ball throws require explosive movements, contributing to muscle development. Volume and Repetition: CrossFit workouts often involve a high volume of repetitions. This increased volume can contribute to muscle endurance and growth over time. It's important to note that individual results can vary based on factors such as nutrition, rest, and the consistency of training. Some CrossFit athletes focus on specific strength or hypertrophy programs within the CrossFit framework to tailor their training to muscle-building goals. Additionally, proper technique and scaling of workouts to individual fitness levels are crucial to prevent injury and ensure effective muscle development. Consulting with CrossFit coaches and incorporating adequate recovery strategies can help optimize muscle-building outcomes.

Is CrossFit good for strength training?

Of course, CrossFit is an effective and comprehensive strength training program. By nature, the method is based on compound movements that involve multiple joints and muscle groups and is proven to be one of if not the most efficient way to build strength. Where isometric/isolated movements in a traditional gym can be a huge addition and very complementary to build strength, it could not subsist without compound movements and will be used more to work on one muscle and define a specific body type with a more esthetic goal. CrossFit’s strength approach incorporates a wide range of strength-focused exercises, including Olympic weightlifting for explosive power (snatch, clean and jerk), powerlifting targeting major muscle groups (back squat, front squat, overhead press), and various functional movements (deadlift, press, making it a versatile approach to building strength. In addition the constant variation and HIIT stimulate the muscles avoiding plateaus and routine and leads to increased muscle activation and strength development.

Do I need to hire a personal trainer for CrossFit

While hiring a personal trainer for CrossFit can offer various benefits, it is not strictly necessary for everyone. The decision to hire a personal trainer depends on individual preferences (personalized or group approach, specific programming), experience level, (technique, foundational movements, safety) goals (specific fitness goals, such as weight loss or muscle building), accountability and motivation, skill development (for a specific competition or advanced athletic ambitions), fitness levels and finally budget (it comes with a higher cost than group classes). Ultimately, whether or not to hire a personal trainer for CrossFit is a personal decision. Some individuals thrive in a group setting and can progress effectively with the guidance of experienced coaches during regular classes. Others may benefit from the additional attention and customization that a personal trainer can offer.

Will CrossFit get me into shape fast?

CrossFit has the potential to help individuals get into shape relatively quickly due to its high-intensity, varied, and comprehensive approach to fitness. However, the speed at which someone gets into shape depends on several factors, including their starting fitness level, individual goals, consistency, and adherence to a balanced lifestyle. The high-intensity (HIIT) nature of CrossFit as well as the emphasis on varied and functional movements and constant variation using functional strength and community support can work wonders and is particularly efficient. The focus is on longevity, and health for life. It’s a marathon not a sprint. Progress tracking is encouraged and most importantly celebrating achievements. With a results-oriented approach to motivate individuals to push themselves and see tangible improvements there are not many regimens so efficient out there. We know we’ve tested most of them.

How many days a week should I do CrossFit to see results?

The frequency of CrossFit workouts can vary based on individual goals, fitness level, recovery capacity, and lifestyle. Aiming for 2 days per week is a minimum requirement to see progress and for your body to change and adapt morphologically (and avoid feeling like starting from scratch every week). However, a common starting point for many individuals is around 3 to 5 days per week. Of course, the number of days you aim for depends on your level, fitness goals, recovery, external elements (stress, fatigue, schedule, work, and life commitments…), overall activity level (CrossFit complements other sports perfectly) and recovery practices (nutrition, hydration, sleep, mobility work). Remember, consistency is key. Quality always stomps quantity, it’s all about challenging yourself and learning to know yourself. Focus on proper form and you’ll see results. Listen to your body and it’ll reward you for it.

How long until I see results from CrossFit?

The timeline for seeing results from CrossFit can vary significantly from person to person, and it depends on several factors, including your starting fitness level, individual goals, consistency, nutrition, and other lifestyle factors. Broadly speaking: Short-Term Results (Within a Few Weeks): in the short term, you may start to notice improvements in energy levels, mood, and overall well-being. You might experience some initial weight loss, especially if you're combining CrossFit with a healthy diet. 4-8 Weeks: within the first month or two, you may see improvements in strength, endurance, and flexibility. Your body may start adapting to the intensity of CrossFit workouts, and you could notice changes in muscle tone and definition. 2-3 Months: more noticeable changes in body composition, such as increased muscle mass and decreased body fat, may become apparent after a couple of months. You might also observe progress in specific skills and movements, such as lifting heavier weights or mastering gymnastics elements. 3-6 Months: around the three to six-month mark, many individuals experience significant improvements in overall fitness. This can include increased cardiovascular endurance, enhanced strength, improved mobility, and better performance in various CrossFit movements. 6+ Months: long-term results often continue to unfold beyond six months. Achieving specific fitness milestones, such as mastering advanced movements or consistently improving workout times, may occur over a more extended period. Your body will continue to adapt to the demands of CrossFit, and you'll likely see ongoing progress. Of course, life can happen and whether due to injury, illness, or various other external circumstances your fitness journey can sometimes come to a halt or be forced into a prolonged hiatus. We all go through ups and downs and it’s about coming back stronger and more determined. CrossFit works and we’ll be there all along the way helping in your recovery. Even being absent for a fairly long time, the body is extraordinary and muscle memory is the real deal. To optimize your CrossFit journey and see results more effectively: Stay Consistent: Regular attendance and adherence to the CrossFit program contribute significantly to results. Prioritize Nutrition: A balanced and nutritious diet supports your energy levels, recovery, and overall well-being. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body's signals, and avoid pushing yourself too hard, especially when starting. Set Realistic Goals: Establish clear and achievable goals, whether they are related to strength, endurance, weight loss, or skill development. Seek Professional Guidance: Work with CrossFit coaches who can provide personalized guidance, form corrections, and tailored programming. Remember that everyone's journey is unique, and the most important aspect is making sustainable lifestyle changes that contribute to your long-term health and fitness. It only takes a step. Getting to the CrossFit box is the hardest part, once you’re here, it’s all fun and games.

What can I expect after doing CrossFit for 3 months?

After consistently doing CrossFit for three months, you can expect to experience several positive changes in your fitness, strength, and overall well-being. Individual results may vary, and factors such as intensity, frequency, nutrition, and recovery play significant roles. Through the variety and intensity (functional movements and strength training) your fitness level will most definitely start improving. You will notice enhanced cardiovascular endurance, increased stamina and agility, body composition change (body fat reduction and increased lean muscle mass) for a more toned and defined physique, an increase in energy levels, skills improvement, enhanced mobility and flexibility, a newfound mental resilience (mind over body), increased confidence (milestone achievement) and last but not least community connection as CrossFit is known for its supportive and community-driven atmosphere.

Is CrossFit better than gym?

It is not a question of better or not. Someone who knows what they are doing, with a good background and technique can achieve great things in a traditional gym with a solid routine, accountability, and determination. It is a matter of personal preference but also both approaches are highly complementary. Unlike traditional gym workouts that may focus on isolated muscle groups, CrossFit takes a holistic approach. Workouts are varied and incorporate functional movements that mimic everyday activities, promoting a broad and inclusive fitness. CrossFit also emphasizes intensity, pushing participants to perform at their maximum capacity. We do also love functional bodybuilding in CrossFit boxes so you will always have a decent amount for your heart’s desire.

What is the difference between CrossFit and Bootcamp?

CrossFit and Bootcamp are both popular forms of high-intensity group fitness training, but they have some key differences in terms of philosophy, programming, and focus. Crossfit will be more focused on programming (constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity) with the aim of improving overall fitness and performance through a balanced approach that targets various physical domains, including cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility, speed, agility, and coordination. It has a strong emphasis on pushing individual limits and a community-driven approach. Workouts are in a group setting and involve the use of various equipment, including barbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, rowing machines… Bootcamp typically focuses on cardiovascular exercises, bodyweight movements and functional training including elements of calisthenics, agility drills and HIIT. The priority is simpler and more accessible, using minimal equipment and emphasizing bodyweight with interval training, circuits, and elevated heart rate engagement. While community might still be a component, the emphasis is more on individuality even if classes often provide a supportive environment. In summary, while both CrossFit and bootcamp share a commitment to high-intensity group training, CrossFit is known for its diverse programming, emphasis on strength and skill development, and competitive atmosphere, whereas bootcamp tends to focus on simplicity, accessibility, and total body conditioning with minimal equipment. While intensity is a key aspect, the structure may differ from the constantly varied approach of CrossFit but ultimately as with many disciplines both are very complementary. The right choice depends on individual preferences, fitness goals, and the type of training experience one is seeking.

What’s the difference between CrossFit and HIIT?

CrossFit and High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) share similarities in that they both involve high-intensity workouts, but they have distinct differences in terms of philosophy, programming, and structure. CrossFit aims to improve overall physical fitness and performance incorporating elements of weightlifting, cardiovascular exercise, gymnastics, and functional movements. The programming is structured as daily WODS (Workouts of the day) with varied and constantly challenging and diverse exercises in a group setting. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a training method characterized by short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest of lower-intensity activity. It can take various forms unconfined by a specific structure involving bodyweight exercises and cardiovascular activities. It is a flexible training approach that allows for creativity and adaptability in workouts designing and can be done in solo or in a group although not group oriented like CrossFit. HIIT workouts are often simpler in structure compared to CrossFit. In summary, CrossFit is a comprehensive fitness program with a specific philosophy, community-driven approach, and emphasis on functional movements and skill development. HIIT, on the other hand, is a training method characterized by short, intense intervals with more flexibility in terms of workout structure and applicability to various exercise modalities. Both CrossFit and HIIT can be effective for improving fitness, but they offer distinct experiences and training philosophies.

Does CrossFit help with Hyrox competitions?

Hyrox is very popular at the moment and combines elements of CrossFit/functional movements and an 8km run divided in 8x1km runs and 8 “obstacles”. Many CrossFit boxes have now started including some form of “Hyrox” style endurance training and workouts. Although they are different in approach, the CrossFit mentality and methodology can be highly efficient in creating highly skilled Hyrox athletes. It is no surprise most of the top world athletes include or have done CrossFit in the past. Both are very complementary, Hyrox has attracted a lot of non-Cross Fitter crowds who might perhaps lack the technique on the functional movements. That is where CrossFit can make a difference and often quality and technique is a clearly apparent separator between crossfitters and non-crossfitters on the Hyrox field.

White Bull Crossfit

​​Where can I do CrossFit?

Here, with us, in Brussels ???? At White Bull CrossFit, rue d’Idalie, 9-13, Ixelles to be more precise. But ultimately, everywhere, and anywhere around the world, that’s the cool part. We’re a super cool and close-knit community. Best way to travel and meet local people to show you around a city.

How much is membership at White Bull CrossFit?

Our best-seller and best value for money is our annual contract membership for unlimited access at €99 per month. We also have a limited version of the annual contract membership for 75€ per month. Although a bit pricier, we also have limited/unlimited access offers for 1,3,6 months if you’re not sure if you want to commit to 1 year straight away. Finally, we also have vouchers and daily, weekly, monthly passes.

Does membership include personal training?

Yes and no. All our classes are coach-led. With every class you participate in you will get personal training value and a quality technical approach for longevity, health, and perfection. Our membership offers don’t include individual personal training but our coaches do offer PT sessions on a pay-per-session or package basis.

What are White Bull CrossFit’s opening hours?

We are open every day from early morning to evening and weekends (late morning until mid-afternoon).

How do I cancel my membership?

That depends which membership you have, if you have the annual contract, you will only be able to cancel it after one year (unless you have an emergency scenario: injury or operation, moving abroad for family or work reasons…). The same process is applied for 3 months and 6 months. For the vouchers and passes, there is no membership. (if you purchase a one-month pass/membership or a voucher, there are no refunds).

Where can I find CrossFit workouts?

Our CrossFit workouts can be found via our app – resawod. You can check the wod of the day when you book your spot in one of our classes. Alternatively, there are many freely accessible CrossFit workouts available online to satisfy your needs and urges whether on holiday or travelling for work and you don’t have access to a CrossFit box or even want to do a CrossFit workout in a traditional gym. The official www.crossfit.com website posts daily workouts for everyone to enjoy.

How do I sign up for membership?

You can do so directly via our app on resawod once you create your user profile. Alternatively (or if technology is not really your forte) you can contact us on Instagram, messenger or via our website/email. Or go the old-school route and come say hi at our desk, we’ll be happy to help 😉

Does membership include a nutrition plan?

It doesn’t, however as we value our members and aim for a holistic approach we try to help as much as possible with tips, advice, or ideas. If you would then like to go further and are serious about committing to a proper plan our co-owner and very own CrossFit coach Boris is a certified nutritionist and will gladly guide you on your healthy journey.

Can I cancel at any time?

Depending on your membership choice you can cancel (with a month notice) once your contractual obligation is over, i.e. either after 3 months, 6 months or 1 year.